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Pack Hike!  All ranks are welcome and encouraged to join the Hike.

We have on our Pack Calendar a hike Scheduled for Sunday 9/29/19.
The hike will be at the Lake Waban Path in Wellesley.  We’ll all meet at 10:00 AM.  A link to the site can be found below.
All Scouts and parents should have the following:
-Bug Spray – We want to be sure to minimize any of the risks we have out there for mosquito/tick borne illness
-Sturdy Shoes or Hiking Boots
-A snack
-Sunblock/ Sun Protection.
-SCOUT UNIFORMS ARE NOT REQUIRED:  However if you have a pack 310 teeshirt or your Uniform hat, both are encouraged!
I’m looking forward to our first outdoor activity of the year!
Please E-mail me with any questions you may have.
Yours in Scouting,
Rob Anderson
Cubmaster, Pack 310
Den Leader – Wolf Den (2nd Graders)
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